Youth Services May Re-opening

Well, we have a lot to look forward to here at the Library. In May we will be adding some items back into Youth Services, in limited ways, to keep everyone as safe as we can while offering things that are fun.

We will be offering a small batch of Activity Kits that can be checked out. These theme-based kits include STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math), social studies, and foreign languages. Each kit has at least one book and a variety of other materials, including puzzles, flashcards, educational games, DVDs, and models. Each time a kit is returned a staff member will clean each item. We will rotate kits available for checkout to minimize risk.

We are also very excited to offer a Lego Master Builder time each week, starting in May. Please sign up your child using our online form, or give us a call and we’ll sign them up for you. One builder per week will have time in a special “Construction Zone” and a bin of Legos to work with. Legos will be cleaned by staff and be ready for the next Master Builder the following week.

And for EVERYONE we are planning to open for walk-in service for all of our regular hours starting May 4th. Masks are always required. The number of people in the building is still limited, so you may need to wait your turn. Visits will still be limited to 30 minutes per day. We will also continue to offer no-contact pickup options for those who choose. These include:

  • bringing your items to the Church Street door (by the parking lot), OR
  • placing them in your trunk, OR
  • mailing them to your home.

Please let us know, by phone (207-647-2472) or email ( if you would like any of these options.

Our courtyard and parking lot are always available with Wi-Fi. Please, enjoy all of our spaces, and please help us keep things tidy and open for everyone.

We are really looking forward to May!