Nature Adventures

Get to know your neighbors! There are more than 1,500 native plant species in Maine, and that’s just the plants.  Join us for youth nature journaling at the library Friday, July 8th at 11:00 am. If you are an adult and would like to know more about nature journaling, please give us a call (207-647-2472), email us (, or stop by and let us know. We’ll get something scheduled as soon as we can!


We’re inviting kids of all ages to be explorers and share their finds with our field Specimen Touch Table here in Youth Services. Gather a perfect leaf or some beautiful rocks and bring them in to the Library Tuesday, July 19th starting at 10:00 am. We’ll take a look at what is the same and what is different from your yards. And plan ahead, we’ll have a water habitat Specimen Touch Table starting Tuesday, July 26th and we’ll take a look at what is different in fresh water and seawater habitats. 

No animals, please, though. We want to make sure we are good stewards and don’t remove creatures from their homes.


And don’t forget we have guidebooks, hiking trail maps, and more here at the Library. Get out and explore the world, or even just look at your yard in a different way.