Yellow Wall Gallery

If you are interested in having your work on display in the library, please read the Exhibit Policy and consider submitting an application.  Any questions you have concerning the project should be emailed to


The Bridgton Public Library invites local artists to exhibit their work in the library. Art exhibits while on display are not covered by library insurance, and are displayed at the owner’s risk.

Interested artists should submit an Exhibit Application to the Bridgton Public Library Art Project Coordinator. Applications are available in the library or downloaded from the link below. Once submitted, they will be reviewed by the Art Project Committee which will recommend items to display to the Library Director. The final decision of what to display rests with the Director.

Criteria that may be used to evaluate the appropriateness of material are:

▪ Local interest
▪ Vitality and originality
▪ Historical or artistic significance
▪ Number of pieces
▪ Availability of space

Each exhibitor is responsible for the installation and removal of their artwork on the dates agreed upon by the artist and the Art Project Coordinator.

The Bridgton Public Library assumes no responsibility for loss, damage, or theft. All exhibitors must sign a release at the time the work is brought to the library for hanging.

The Library will permit the sale of items in the exhibit, subject to these restrictions:
• The exhibitor is solely responsible for all aspects of the sale transaction. Library staff will not negotiate sales, collect payment, or deliver an item to the purchaser.
• The artist will provide tag for each item displayed (business card size), to include artist’s name and contact information, title, and price.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Artist Application 2020″]