Early childhood literacy here at BPL

We have some wonderful resources here at Bridgton Public Library for you to take home in memory of Caroline Golden. She was a wonderful person who helped build the library to be the community resource it is today. Thank you to her family and friends for the lasting gift of literacy!

We are pleased to have a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program here, with a special reading log to keep track of all of the books you share with your little ones. Reading helps build social and emotional skills, sparks creativity and imagination, promotes bonding, and helps kids do well overall in school. Take that motivation, open one book, and get started. And remember that 1,000 is just a number. The goal is to work reading aloud into your regular routine, and let the magic of stories do the rest. You can also keep track of your reading online if you prefer. 

We also have some daily literacy-building activities to share with your child, so go ahead and have a great time building your little one’s skills.