Poetry on Earth Day
Please join us. And if you would like to just share a poem with us, bring it by the Library anytime during the month of April and we will showcase our local poets in a special display (one poem per person, please).
A 21st century community resource
Please join us. And if you would like to just share a poem with us, bring it by the Library anytime during the month of April and we will showcase our local poets in a special display (one poem per person, please).
There is a lot to celebrate in April! Please mark your calendars:
Friends of Bridgton Public Library will be accepting book donations starting Saturday, April 15th.
We will be hosting Poetry at BPL and Pondicherry Park on Friday, April 21st. Contact us for locations and times.
We are celebrating National Library Week with a Local Library Scavenger Hunt the week of April 23-29th. Pick up your clues today, available at either circulation desk.
And of course, we have our regular programs, including Storytime and Technology Help on Fridays. Check our calendar for more information.
Happy spring, everyone.