No InstantPot Potluck

No InstantPot Potluck

Please note this event has been cancelled due to lack of registrations.

We will try again another time. Please remember we have some great new cookbooks for InstantPot cooking and we have an InstantPot available for checkout for you to try before you buy.

Enjoy the beautiful weather

You gotta love the Patriots

You gotta love the Patriots

We have some wonderful people in our community who give us so much of their time and talent. One of our community members donated this amazing quilt for us to raffle. Stop on by and see it on display by our Main Circulation desk.


Tickets are $1/each or 6 for $5, all proceeds go to the Friends of the Bridgton Library to help the Library with our great programs and workshops we provide free to the public. 

Tickets are on sale October 1-November 30, 2019. We will draw the winning ticket on December 3rd, in plenty of time for holiday gift giving.