New Adult To-Go

With the weather turning winter-y, we have some really wonderful Adult To-Go bags to take home and try. All of these programs, workshops, and To-Go kits are generously funded by the Friends of the Bridgton Library. To become a Friend, click here for more information:

Friends of the Bridgton Library Application

Grow Your Own Microgreens. Microgreens are herb, flower, or vegetable greens grown densely in trays and harvested just after they’ve put on their first true leaves. These tiny greens are packed with nutrients, color, and flavor. They are easy to grow indoors and can take between 7-28 days to produce a harvest.
Kitchen: Soup-Ready Seasonings. Make yourself something lovely as the weather gets colder… these Soup-Ready Seasonings are perfect for your favorite soup or other things as well. Try them in dips, sprinkled (lightly) on steaming veggies, or on olive oil for a great bread dipping experience.
Crafting: Adult Coloring. With autumn coming to a close and winter around the corner, take home one of these bags of coloring pages and colored pencils. Enjoy the time inside while the weather is maybe not-so-great…Grab one before they’re gone.


And remember we have Make Your Own Pomanders and Make Your Own Swags workshops coming up. Pre-register here:


Thanksgiving season

Thanksgiving season

November is here in all of its glory. As the wind picks up, the temperatures drop, and the days get a little shorter, we are still thankful for a lot of things. 

Our Thankful Raffle is here, you get a raffle ticket for each item you return during the month of November. We also still have raffle tickets for sale for our Patriot Quilt Fundraiser, $1/ticket or 6 for $5. We will be drawing the winning tickets for both raffles on Tuesday, December 3rd and will call the winners that day. 

Please Remember Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th. Thank you to those who have served and all who serve to protect us today. We have many great fiction and nonfiction books about World War I and how the world changed when the Armistice was signed, please come by and learn more.

Thank you to the Bridgton Community Center for offering a Fuel Bank for Bridgton residents. This program runs from November through March and is an emergency fund of private donations to provide 100 gallons of fuel or its equivalent in pellets, wood, or other fuel as long as funds are available. Click this link here to find out more:

And please note that we will be closed Friday, November 29th to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families and friends. We will be open our regular hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday that week and look forward to seeing you then.

Happy November!