What a great summer it was, too!

What a great summer it was, too!

We have had such a great busy summer here at the Bridgton Public Library! It was wonderful to see old friends and meet new people. We had over 5,522 people stop in to use our resources in July and August, and checked out over 7,369 items. Whether you checked out some classics books and movies or new bestsellers, activity kits, to-go bags, or just sat in our Reading Room with a local newspaper, we hope you enjoyed all we have to offer.

If you attended any of our summer programs, please consider filling out a survey to let us know what you liked and what you might change. Whether you brought a child or youth to one of our Summer Reading programs or attended one of our Adult Art Programs or author readings, please let us know what you think. The links are on the right hand side of this page –> We have paper surveys at our circulation desks. These will be available through September 15th. 

Thank you to the staff, all of our volunteers, our presenters, and of course all of our visitors. We hope to see you back here soon.


Amy Stone

From Summer into Fall…

From Summer into Fall…

Please join us Saturday, August 31st here at the Library. We have a full day of activities!

Street Art, presented by local artist Kim Dubay, will be in our Meeting Room 9:00-11:30. “I have always loved hiding (and finding) out that I’ve made around the communities in which I’ve lived. I’d like to share that joy with others as we make some simple crafts together. Painting rocks and creating Artist Trading Cards are just a couple of the projects we’ll make, along with some simple crafts from Keri Smith’s book, Guerrilla Art Kit.” Registration requested but not required.

The Friends Book Shed will be open for business 10:00-noon. Hardcovers, paperbacks, kids books, cookbooks, and more are waiting for new homes. The best deal on books in great condition. The Book Shed is in the Church Street parking lot, in the back corner, decorated and ready to welcome you. And thank you to our wonderful Friends who have donated their time to sort the books and to come in on a beautiful busy weekend to help raise money for library programs and services!

Robert W. Spencer, local author, will be reading from his novel The Spinster’s Hope Chest in the Main Reading Room 1:00-2:30. We will have light refreshments and the author will have copies of his novel available for purchase and signing. Registration requested but not required.

Please check our calendar for updated dates and times for our regular programs and special presentations for September.

Happy Labor Day weekend!