Raffles for the Holidays

Raffles for the Holidays

We are pleased to have two raffles going through the month of November. Tickets are still available for purchase from our Main Circulation Desk for our Patriots Quilt, donated by a local resident. All money raised goes to the Friends of the Bridgton Library for programs and services. Tickets available through Saturday, November 30th and the drawing will be Tuesday, December 3rd. A perfect gift for the holidays.


And November is also time for our annual Thankful Raffle. We have invited local businesses to donate gift items and gift certificates Every patron will receive one raffle ticket per item RETURNED to the Library during the month of November. Last year we had 2,042 items returned in the month of November and we are looking to receive even more this year! We will draw the winner for each prize on Tuesday, December 3rd. Come join the fun and check out some great things from your Library.

Book Shed open Saturday October 19

Book Shed open Saturday October 19

The weather report is predicting rain for tomorrow, so we will not be having our book sale on the 12th. The Friends of the Bridgton Library Book Shed will be open one last time for 2019, on Saturday October 19th, 10:00 am-noon. We are buttoning up for the winter, so there will be some GREAT deals on lots of gently used books. Picture books, paperbacks, hardcovers, coffee table books, and Friends of the Bridgton Library books bags all make great gifts. We hope to see you at the Book Shed!