Focus on: Books and Writing

Focus on: Books and Writing

The 21st Century Library is a very different place from the public libraries of 100 years ago, or the libraries of old with closed stacks for professional scholars. Technology has changed our resources, our access to information, and the way that we communicate ideas. And yet, no matter how we record our thoughts the words are at the center:

“Maybe this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books: to find words for what we already know.” (Alberto Manguel, from A Reading Diary: A Passionate Reader’s Reflections on a Year of Books)

Why we read is as important as why we write.  And here at the Bridgton Public Library we want to facilitate both parts of the dialogue. We have five book groups that we provide books for and have hosted a Writer’s Workshop here over the summer. Please let us know if you would like to join in either of these activities.

But we are also mindful here that reading is a very personal experience. “Think of this- that the writer wrote alone, and the reader read alone, and they were alone with each other.” (A.S. Byatt, from Possession)

Whether it is to learn, reflect, or relax, please enjoy our print and online collections. You can place a hold on an item from your home using our online catalog

or give us a call at 647-2472 and it will be at the Main Circulation Desk to pick up.



Amy Stone

Library Director

We will be closing the Resource Room early

We will be closing the Resource Room early

We will be closing the Resource Room early today, Friday the 17th. We will be turning off the computers at 4:15, and closing the Resource Room and the Reading Room at 4:30 to set up for a Special Event this evening.

Our public copier and fax service will be available, and people can print from their own devices (phones, laptops, tablets, ipads, etc.) until our regular closing time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.