Connection Maintenance at BPL

Connection Maintenance at BPL

The Maine School and Library Network that provides Internet connection to the Bridgton Public Library will be performing maintenance on the lines on Wednesday November 14th. Our Resource Room will be open, our computers available, and our checkouts will still happen, but connection will not be consistent or guaranteed. Our online catalog will still be available for your access from home, and this should not impact cloudLibrary use.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but look forward to much-needed maintenance being completed.


Season of Giving

Season of Giving

We are kicking off the Season of Giving here at the Bridgton Public Library. This month we celebrate our patrons and our community. Local businesses are helping us thank our patrons with raffle donations. Patrons will receive a raffle ticket for each BPL book, audio book, dvd, or magazine returned to us in the month of November. On December 1st we will pull a raffle ticket for each prize.  There will be prizes to select in Youth Services as well as upstairs by the Main Circulation Desk, so please return your checked-out items and join in the celebration.

Please take a moment to look through your things and see if there are any library items. If there are, if you could please return them to us that would be appreciated. We do not charge overdue fines, and any overdue fines that may have accrued have been forgiven as a result.

We have a book drop available by our Church Street parking lot entrance at all times. It is important to us that the items are returned so we can check them out to others in the community. It is also very important to us that you are welcomed back to the library whenever you are ready, and that you account is in good standing when you return.

We hope to see you soon!

Amy Stone, Library Director