United Way Career Webinar Series

United Way Career Webinar Series

We are always happy to share updates on resources available to our community!

United Way of Greater Portland is collaborating with Prudential and community volunteers to offer two webinar presentations for job-seekers (and follow-up 1:1 sessions) in November.

 Career Support Webinar Series: Resume & LinkedIn Support

Thursday, November 5 at 10AM via Zoom (~45 minutes)

Need to create or update a resume or LinkedIn account? Want help with your job search? Join Prudential and United Way of Greater Portland on Thursday, November 5 at 10 a.m. for a webinar presentation aimed at supporting job seekers of any age/stage of life. Following the webinar, attendees will have the opportunity to schedule a free 1:1 consultation with a volunteer for resume review. To sign up for the webinar, click here

For more information, email volunteer@unitedwaygp.org. 


Career Support Webinar Series: Interviewing & Networking Skills

Thursday, November 19 at 10AM via Zoom (~45 minutes)

Ready for your next interview? Want to build your professional network? Join Prudential and United Way of Greater Portland on Thursday, November 19 at 10:00 a.m. for a webinar presentation about interviewing and networking best practices. Following the webinar, attendees will have the opportunity to schedule a free 1:1 session with a volunteer for interview practice. To sign up for the webinar, click here.

For more information, email volunteer@unitedwaygp.org. 

Spooky Happenings in Youth Services

Spooky Happenings in Youth Services
Can you find Midnight's twin Twilight?  She likes to move around the library.  Look for her next time you're in!
Earn a sticker for finding her!

Can you find Midnight’s twin Twilight? She likes to move around the library. Look for her next time you’re in!

While your in play I Spy! Can you find all the objects around the witches cabin?

Check out our spooktastic book display and take a book (or movie!) home.