Census 2020 Help
Do you need help accessing the 2020 Census website, or have questions on filling out the form? Please sign up down below and we will answer your questions by phone or email.
There’s a lot happening in our country right now, but there are some things we can do, even from home, that will make a difference for the future. One of those things is to complete the 2020 Census.
As of April 17th Cumberland County has had a 48.8% completion rate, with 47.3% online. Bridgton has a 25.9% completion rate, with 24.2% online. Please contact us at Bridgton Public Library if you need help completing your online survey using your own device using our free wi-fi, or you’re at home with Internet access. We can walk you through the steps. Do you have a paper form that was mailed to you and not quite sure how to fill it out? Please give us a call, and we will print a guide for you to take home. Do you know someone who needs help? Get in touch with us and we’ll do what we can.
Filing dates have been extended during this Pandemic, So we have some time as a community to get as many responses as possible submitted.
Help your community receive the federal funding it needs for the next 10 years by taking 10 minutes to complete your 2020 Census. Hospitals, schools, roads, transportation and more all receive the federal funding based on Census data. Complete your 2020 Census. Everyone Counts. Everyone matters.