Adult Services: February Workshops and Special Events

Adult Services: February Workshops and Special Events
Jill Skillern, Recruiting Assistant for the U. S. Census, will be available in our Resource Room Wednesday, February 5th 10:00-2:00 with materials for anyone to stop by and learn about the Census and Census jobs. Census 2020 will determine federal funding and impacts our schools, roads, and senior services.
Saturday, February 8th we have “Starting and Growing Herbs” workshop 10-noon in our meeting room, presented by Pamela Hargest, UMaine Cooperative Extension. Learn how to start perennial and annual herbs from seed indoors!
Saturday, February 8th we also have SoulCollage workshop 12:30-2:30 in our meeting room, presented by Heather MacLeod. In this session you will make a SoulCollage card representing one of our seven chakras, and will do a guided meditation to invite spirit animal energy to be our companion.
Saturday, February 29th we will have Daily Art Journaling workshop 10-noon in the meeting room, presented by Kim Dubay. Start the new year by “drawing our days” in a journal. Keep track of your routine and daily life on paper!
These are all free thanks to generous funding of the Friends of Bridgton Library. Donations are always welcome.

Winter Reading in Youth Services

Winter Reading in Youth Services

Please join us down in Youth Services for our super-special Winter Reading Program, now from February 22nd. Start at any point to earn fun prizes, vote on what color to Dye Miss Samantha’s Hair, and enter a raffle for BIG prizes. Journey to Ice Castle; for every day you read, earn a turn to roll the dice and earn prizes.

Thank you, Miss Samantha, for continuing to make reading FUN

The Winter Reading Program at Bridgton Public Library runs from January 14th to February 22 Start at any point to earn fun prizes, vote on what color to dye Miss Samantha's hair, and enter a raffle for big prizes. How to Play: Journey to Ice Castle. For Every Day you read, color in a square on your Reading Calendar For every day you read, you will earn a turn to roll the Dice and move your player Roll the dice with Miss Samantha at the library If you land on a colored circle, you have to draw a challenge card and complete it to move forward Earn a prize when you pass the level markers and Earn a vote on what color Miss Samantha should dye the tips of her hair! (You do not need to land on the square) If you Make it to the Ice Castle, earn a raffle ticket to Try and win one of the Big Prizes! Contact Miss Samantha at: OR 647-2472