May Activities Ready To-Go

May Activities Ready To-Go

Happy May, everyone! We have some great things happening at the library. Youth Services has a new carpet and some old favorites back out for you to enjoy. 

  • Activity Kits are out and available for checkout.
  • We have a small table with some easy-to-clean toys out.
  • Our Lego Master Builder is open for construction projects, please sign your child up today.

Our To-Go bags are ready for pickup. 

  • Adult Garden To-Go
  • Kids Farm to Table To-Go
  • Kids Storytime Craft To-Go and Flower Pot Craft To-Go
  • Camera Obscura To-Go from Rufus Porter Museum

Full Walk-in Hours

  • T: 9-6
  • W: 9-5
  • F: 9-5
  • Sat: 9-3

No-contact pickup available on request. Please call (207-647-2472) or email ( for more information.

Virtual Lego Club: Zoo!

Virtual Lego Club: Zoo!
Virtual LEGO Club Challenge: Build a Zoo
In mine a few zoogoers watch the alligator from the observation deck while a guide talks about the alligator to a group!
Every Wednesday build your own interpretation of my challenge. Email me a picture of your creation if you would like it to be featured!
#bridgtonpubliclibrary #bpl #bridgtonme #librariesofmaine #kidsactivities #LEGO #LEGOchallenge