Youth Services closed 4/26

Youth Services closed 4/26

We will be replacing the carpets in Youth Services the last week of April. We will need to close the department while we move books and shelves around, but hope to limit the amount of time the project takes. We will let you know as soon as we can re-open!

So please plan on checking out some extra books the week before, we know how little readers love their books, and adult cards never have any limits on the number you take out. We just ask that you take out what you need.

And if you need a little extra time with the books you have, that’s okay as long as no one is waiting for the book, just give us a call or renew your books online.

We are really looking forward to having a beautiful carpet, getting our spring cleaning done, and welcoming everyone back in when we’re done.


Amy Stone, Library Director

Explore Girl Scouts

Explore Girl Scouts

You’re invited to explore Girl Scouts here at Bridgton Public Library. Please join us for a FREE. You will learn how to start plants from seeds, the importance of pollinators, and how you can use your new green thumb to make a difference in the community, all in a safe, girl-led environment.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 5th, 2-4 pm

RSVP Required. Find out more at Girls Scouts of Maine: Events or call 1-888-922-4763