October is Slimy and Spooky in Youth Services

October is Slimy and Spooky in Youth Services

We love our Youth Services here at the BPL! Join us for Slime Time Wednesday October 10th 3:30-4:30. Slime it up with different slime recipes! Completely FREE, and you get to take home the slime you make! And then join us Tuesday, October 31st for Spooky Craft and Treats all throughout the day. Come make spooky crafts, feel inside the mystery boxes, and trick-o-treat!!!!

Bonding with Books

Bonding with Books

This is a Book Club for kids and grown-ups to read together! The book club would encourage parents/guardians/adult friends to read the book with their corresponding child and participate in the discussion and activities during the book club meeting together.

Please come by to sign-up, get information, and do some bookish activities. Please bring one of your favorite books to share with the group! Ages 8-12, registration requested but not required:

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