Getting Ready for the Holidays

Just a reminder we will be closed on Friday, November 27th to celebrate Thanksgiving. We will be open T, W: 10-4 and Sat: 10-2, as well as offering curbside pickup on those days.

Our Thankful Raffle continues through the end of November. The winners will be drawn Tuesday, December 1st. We will call the winners, so please make sure you give us a phone number where we can leave a message. We are happy to support our local businesses and happy to celebrate our patrons!

For December we will have Kitchen To-Go and Craft To-Go bags for adults, as well as our Culture, STEAM, and Storytime To-Go for kids. We want everyone to have some interesting and fun things to do as winter arrives. Looking ahead, we are planning a community winter read for January. “Books Like Us” is a nation-wide theme that we will, or course, be making our own here at the Library. We are putting together some reading lists and thinking up more raffle prizes for our community of readers of all ages.