Our Culture To-Go: What Makes a Country are ready to go. Learn more about the United States and what makes it a country. With elections (June 8), Flag Day (June 14th), and Independence Day (July 4th) coming up, it’s a great time to learn more and have some hands-on fun!
Get ready to explore the world around you with our Summer Reading Adventure! For kids and teens, pick up a free bag with a National Park passport journal, reading and activity logs, and a recommended reading list to get you started! Log the books you read to earn badges and rewards. Earn small prizes for each book you read and raffle tickets to enter into our Grand Prizes Raffle.
We also now have our Lego Master Builder in Youth Services. One builder (or a builder and sibling) will be given a special Work Zone, a bucket of legos, and thirty minutes to build a Master Creation. Sign up through our website or ask at the Circulation Desk.