Kids Book Reviews 2/1

Drama by Raina Telgemeier. This is a book about girl involved in a play. She makes lots of friends and art work for the play. She also helps her friends with the play. I like that it has a very surprising ending and that they paint and do lots of art work. I also like that she has a younger siblings like I do. –Ruth (age 9)

Nicolas, Where Have You Been? by Leo Lionni. This book is about a mouse. A bird comes down and swooped him up. I did not like when the mice said “down with the birds”; I did not think the birds were ugly. I wonder what the next book is like. -Peter (age 4)

Lon Po Po by Ed Young. I like this book because the oldest sister is clever. She figured out how to kill the wolf because it was trying to hurt her family. –Nova (age 7)