Kids Book Reviews 2/8

Buffalo Woman by Paul Goble. There is a good hunter and one day when he wants to hunt a buffalo, he realizes that the buffalo is a woman. They get married and have a son. But they can not live together. I like the idea that people can transform into animals. The pictures are terrific. –Ruth (age 9)


Spy School Secret Service by Stuart Gibbs. devious plots, missiles, black mail, this book has everything. –Milo (age 8)



Loon by Susan Vande Girek. These are the reasons I like this book:
1) I like the sounds the loons make
2) I love the pictures
3) I like the descriptions of the different sounds the loons make
4) I like the loon life cycle

There aren’t any parts of the book I don’t like. –Scout (age 6)