We will be closing early 12/10

We will be closing early 12/10

Due to predicted travel conditions, we will be closing the Library at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, 12/10. We are sorry for any inconvenience. 

Museums and Attraction Passes

Museums and Attraction Passes

Looking for something different to do during the holiday break? Check out one of our museum and attraction passes. 

Portland Museum of Art:  Their full calendar is here. Of special note is their FREE Thursday (this does not require a pass from us, but it does look like a wonderful event). 

Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine: Their full calendar is here. Of special note is the Celebrate the Solstice special event. 

Southworth Planetarium: Their full calendar is included in the full University of Southern Maine calendar system here. Of special note is the Destination Solar System event.

We can only check out one pass per day for each of these attractions, but you can reserve your pass ahead of time. Please call (207-647-2472) or email (bplreference@bridgton.lib.me.us) for more information.