December at BPL

December at BPL

Happy holidays! As we approach the end of 2023 and get ready to welcome 2024 we have some special workshops and books to make your season a beautiful one.


Please join Greater Portland Council of Governments here in our Resource Room on Saturday, 12/2 between 10 am-noon to share your experiences and learn about efforts to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries in Bridgton and the surrounding communities. There will be a short presentation available, mapping activity, and refreshements. This is all for the VisionZero initiative to have zero traffic fatalities here in Maine.


Please join us as we get ready for the season of giving with some special craft workshops. We’ll have materials available for you in our downstairs meeting room and to-go bags available if you can’t stay to complete the projects. We know that Saturdays during the holiday season can be hectic, so consider taking a break and working on some fun projects with Alicia and Rachael.


We offer one-on-one assistance to help people sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program, a special discount offered through the federal government for those who qualify. Get up to $30 off of your Internet connection every month through this program. 


Looking for something to do with your little ones?  Join us on Fridays for Storytime here at the Library from 10-11 am. We will have a story, a craft, and a snack to share. Our staff is happy to help caregivers and kids with their activities.


As part of the Chickadee Library Consortium, we accept library cards from Harrison, Naples, Casco, and Raymond here at the Bridgton Public Library. In an effort to share all of our resources, we will be asking those with multiple library cards to choose one card that will be their main account. Your card will be accepted at all five libraries!


We will be offering a Winter Read in January, 2024 as part of our celebration of winter. More details will be sent out later this month. And remember, our staff is always available and happy to talk about their favorite library resources!  Try a new type of book, learn about a new topic, listen to an audiobook, or download an ebook. Happy Reading! 


Amy Stone

Library Director

Traffic Safety Meeting at BPL

Traffic Safety Meeting at BPL

Please join Greater Portland Council of Governments here in our upstairs meeting room on Saturday, 12/2 between 10am-noon, and let them know what you think. Light refreshments will be available, no signup required.