Spotlight On: Bridgton Historical Society

Spotlight On: Bridgton Historical Society

We are very lucky to have a thriving Bridgton Historical Society. Each community has its own story to tell, and the Town of Bridgton has a unique and interesting past that can help us think about our future.

We are pleased to announce a joint venture, making some of the Society’s many resources available for viewing here at the Bridgton Public Library. This carefully curated rotating collection of books and items of interest will be available for the public to view in the Library Resource Room, opening March 1st. This rotating collection will be changed throughout the year, offering new resources for our community to view here at the Library.

We hope to see you soon.

And please, if you have a minute, complete the survey being sponsored by the Bridgton Historical Society, to help them plan for their future.

Bridgton Historical Society Survey

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” -Soren Kierkegaard