Homeschoolers of Maine coming to the BPL!

Homeschoolers of Maine coming to the BPL!

Homeschoolers of Maine will be coming to the BPL on Tuesday June 19th, 4:00-6:00 to help answer any questions you may have and help you navigate the process of registering with the State of Maine.

Are you just beginning to homeschool? Are you researching the option for your family? Plan to attend an upcoming workshop to learn more and become better equipped for success! If you are a veteran homeschooler, consider bringing someone new! Come to encourage, as well as to share your experience with others.

Learn more about:

  • Maine’s homeschooling law
  • Record keeping
  • Curriculum planning
  • Helpful resources
  • Portfolios and evaluations
  • Support
  • Special needs
  • Q & A
  • And much more!

Registration requested:

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Focus on Library Supporters

Focus on Library Supporters

Public libraries are examples of what is best in our society. Volunteerism, philanthropy, and generosity, are all at the heart of what we are here to do. Libraries are here to share books and ideas, as well as answers to questions. And we are able to continue all of our programs and services because people donate their time, talents, and money in so many ways.

We have volunteers of all ages who give their time to help run programs, get work done, and make our spaces beautiful. We have donors who donate according to their means and we use those moneys to buy materials, provide wireless Internet access, get books through interlibrary loan, and digitize the Bridgton News for everyone to access.

Our Board of Trustees all donate their time and expertise to ensure that our policies are current and our budget is sound. They set our mission. They ensure that our library is meeting the needs of the whole community. The Bridgton Public Library continues to rely on their strength and persistence.

The Friends of the Bridgton Library are library lovers who help provide programs and services above and beyond what our regular budget can pay for. With an annual and ongoing used book sale and other fundraising events through the year, they support our services to the community in ways beyond measure. They are always happy to welcome new “Friends” to our community.

The Town of Bridgton is generous with their grants and their services. The Public Works, Police, and Fire Departments work to keep us safe and the Recreation Departments and Town Offices are supportive and ready partners.

And of course, we have our library patrons who check out books, download audio books, use and other databases, print from devices, send faxes, check out museum passes, participate in book discussion groups, and attend programs and workshops.

Without you all the Library is a building without the life of a community. The Bridgton Public Library has many wonderful, engaged, and passionate supporters. Thank you, everyone.


Amy Stone

Library Director