Apples 101 with Tom Gyger!

Apples 101 with Tom Gyger!

Ever wondered what the difference is between a McIntosh and a Cortland apple? Or which is the best apple for a pie? Bring all of your apple questions to the library Wednesday, October 26th, and Tom Gyger, owner of Five Fields Farm, will answer them. Five Fields Farm has been in the business of growing apples since the 1920s and has several varieties available for picking every fall. Learn all about the business of growing apples in this fun and informative program! The program begins at 4:00 p.m. and is open to all ages.

“You got to have friends”

“You got to have friends”

October 16-22 is National Friends of Libraries Week.  Bridgton has a wonderful Friends group that has been advocating and fundraising for the library since 1980.  The monies they raise from the used book sales and other activities fund many programs and services the library offers. For many years, the Friends have paid for membership in Maine Infonet which is the source of downloadable ebooks and audiobooks. The museum discount pass program is also funded by the Friends.  Over the summer, they co-sponsored the Courtyard Concert Series.  And this past month, they purchased 4 new computers which will soon replace aging PCs in the Resource Room.  They are about to launch a new program that will allow local artists to display their works in the library.  These are just a few of the tangible outcomes of the efforts of the Friends.  They are always looking for new members with fresh ideas and energy.  Please consider becoming a Friend of the Bridgton Public Library and helping carry on their work far into the future.