Elevator will be out of service

Our elevator will be out of service the week of October 2nd for scheduled maintenance and repairs. If you would like us to bring books to you, please just give us a call. We can pull your books and bring them to the Church Street door when you ring the doorbell.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Looking ahead to October

Looking ahead to October

Welcome to the heart of fall! With many activities happening throughout the greater Bridgton area, there are some special events at the Library, too. Mark your calendars…

Celebrate Banned Book Week October 2-October 7. We will have age-appropriate displays throughout the building with books that have been challenged and books that may help you see things from a different perspective.

Wednesday, October 4 we will be hosting local poet Kate Berry for a Blackout Poetry workshop between 10 am-2 pm in the Resource Room. 

Saturday, October 28 we will be partnering with Loon Echo Land Trust at Pondicherry Park for a special glow-in-the-dark Storywalk from 3-4 pm.

Tuesday, October 31st we will be partnering with the Bridgton Historical Society for a special Cemetery Walk through the South Bridgton Cemetery from 4-5 pm.

Questions? Please contact us by email (bplreference@bridgton.lib.me.us) or by phone (207-647-2472). You can register for these special events here.