Affordable Technology

Affordable Technology

Bridgton Public Library is here to help people get connected, stay connected, and use the Internet safely. Here are some amazing resources available to Maine residents:

Discounted Devices Application

Affordable Internet Application

Free Computer and Internet Classes

We are available Friday afternoons, 2:00-4:00 pm, to help people fill out applications for any of these resources. If you know anyone who could use some help, please contact us or send them our way, we are happy to help!

Winter Activities

Winter Activities

Just a reminder, we have snowshoes available for checkout. While they are currently all checked out, we can put a hold on these for you just like we can for any other item in our collection. While it’s a little squishy out there, it’s still a great chance to explore some trails that are otherwise inaccessible with the snow and a great way to explore the winter woods.

We also have our annual Winter Read going on right now. Let us know how many books you read in the month of January and earn raffle tickets for some great prizes for kids and adults. We’ve extended the drawing to Friday, 2/3 at 2:00 pm, and the winners will be notified that day. If there’s a snow closure, the drawing will be Saturday, 2/4. 

So whether you want to get outside and explore or enjoy a great read inside, the BPL has you covered!