Bendable Maine Party 11/5

Bendable Maine Party 11/5

Join us for our Bendable Maine Launch Party. We will be hosting an in-person papermaking workshop. We’ll also be available to show you how to use the Bendable Maine lifelong learning portal to find out more about what interests and inspires YOU. Light refreshments will be served. Please let us know if you’d like to attend by giving us a call (207-647-2472) or email (

National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month

November is National Novel Writing Month! The Bridgton Public Library is here to help put pen to paper and fingers to keys as you work towards the goal of writing 50,000 words, or a short novel, within the month. Sign up form for the NANOWRIMO writing challenge is available and you can receive prompts, get weekly check-ins and you can visit our Writers Café for in-person help. All those who sign up will receive a NANOWRIMO Mug and the person who writes the most will receive a special prize. Sign up today and learn more about the challenge at