Thank you, Shelby

We are sad to say goodbye to Shelby Monroe, who was our wonderful graphic designer, PR manager, and technology assistance marvel. She has accepted a Library Director position elsewhere and we will miss her, and her talents, very much.

We will be working on our website, FaceBook, and newsletter format, so please be patient, and let us know what we get right and what needs to be improved. We are always open to knowing more about how to better meet your needs for information, education, recreation, and comfort here at the Bridgton Public Library.


Amy Stone, Library Director

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Picking Up STEAM at the BPL

We are very excited to be offering more STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) programming here at the Bridgton Public Library! With a grant from the Maine State Library we will be adding more things to check out. Please come in over the next few months for new kits, books, and resource lists.

Wednesday February 7th at 11:30am come learn about Your Body!  Read stories and play interactive learning games to explore the human body! Appropriate for children 3-6 and for helpful older siblings and parents!

Lego Club starts February 13th!  This club will be held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 3:30 – 4:30pm.  Children of all ages are welcome to participate.

Wednesday February 21st at 11:30am come learn about different Mammal Tracks!  Activities include Making Plaster Tracks, “What is a Mammal?,” Animal Signs Discussion, Drawing Animal Tracks, Mammal Who Am I?, and Mammal Track Match-Up.

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